May 29, 2012

That's My Gun

Originally there was a Weapon Creation system in GGG, though it was at the very back of the GM's section. That would be because it was too crazy for its own good and using the default Weapons was almost never worth it once you figured out how to exploit it best. Given I would rather not include something than include it to the detriment for the game, it was axed. Things have changed since then, and I figure it is worth another shot.

There is a lot to be gained from including such a system after all. Most weapons can be easily reskinned into whatever it is suits your fancy, but there's still holes that make things difficult for certain character concepts. Sure, the freedom and creativity inherent to RPGs means people have been making up their own content since day one, but it never hurts to save them the work of coming up with supposedly balanced options beforehand - if anything it makes the job of creating more stuff later on easier for them!. There is also another bonus in that a lot of people enjoy the minigame of optimizing character performance, and customizable abilities are akin to taking them to the candy store and letting them pick anything but not everything.

But there are also reasons it wasn't the default system for GGG in the first place. For one, generic customizable options have even less flavor to them than effects-based ones, which might not seem like such a big issue but really hurts the game when you're first starting up and have no idea what everything is supposed to represent. This is why Weapons come separated into five types and why oh so many weapons are similar in concept but different in the mechanics, it helps make everything distinctive.

Furthermore by making every Weapon unique and balancing them by giving each of them a specific niche, I could afford to make them stronger without risking to make any one of them the "best" Weapon that can do everything better than others. Without weapon types or fixed weapons, the risk of a single combination of options outperforming all the rest is greatly diminished. Weapon Types and "Prebuilt" niche Weapons should, thusly, not only continue to exist but also need to be supported by (and ideally also support in turn) a generator instead of being counter to each other.

But enough theory, let's see some practice. The easiest method to see this goal is to make a template for each Weapon Type and assign points to the various modifiers and special abilities they can be granted, then let people take away or slap things to it as their UP allows. All I would really limit is to place a maximum of +10 to combined Accuracy or Penetration plus a hard cap of a 5 UP cost on things to prevent 10-point murdermonsters.

I started with the following templates and modifiers, using the game's current pricing system as guidelines, as an aside, I wish blogger allowed tables so this would be less of a hassle to read:

Areas: Arms or Legs
Base Cost: 1
Range: 1
Accuracy: +1
Penetration: +1
Energy: 0
Special: Melee

Areas: Any Non-Core
Base Cost: 1
Range: 1-3
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: +0
Energy: 0
Special: Ballistic, Mobile

Eye Beams
Areas: Head
Base Cost: 1
Range: 1-3
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: +0
Energy: 1
Special: Beam

Areas: Any Non-Core
Base Cost: 1
Range: 2-7
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: +0
Energy: 0
Special: Missile

Cost: +1
Effect: The Weapon gains a +1 to Accuracy or Penetration. May be applied up to ten times total.

Cost: +1
Effect: As the ability of the same name.

Long Sights
Cost: +1
Effect: +1 to the Weapon's Maximum Range if it is Melee. +2 Otherwise. Cannot go higher than 7.

Cost: +1
Effect: Enable the Weapon to be allocated in any Non-Core Area.

Cost: +2
Effect: As the ability of the same name.

Cost: +2
Effect: As the ability of the same name.

Chain Reaction
Cost: +2
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

IFF Failure
Cost: +2
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

Cost: +3
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

Power Down
Cost: +3
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

Cost: +4
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

Cost: +4
Effect: As the Condition of the same name.

Cost: +4
Effect: As the ability of the same name.

Cost: -1
Effect: Consumes 1 additional Energy. Melee, Beam and Aberrant types only. May be applied up to five times.

Short Sights
Cost: -1
Effect: -1 to the Weapon's Maximum Range. Cannot go under the minimum Range.

Cost: -1
Effect: As the ability of the same name. Ballistic, Missile and Aberrant types only. Cannot be combined with Technique or One-Shot.

Cost: -2
Effect: As the ability of the same name. Cannot be combined with One-Shot or Recharging.

Cost: -3
Effect: As the ability of the same name. Ballistic, Missile and Aberrant types only. Cannot be combined with Recharging or Technique.

And I took it out for a test ride, with the following results.

Areas: Arms or Legs
Cost: 5
Range: 1
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: +2
Energy: 1
Special: Melee, Condition (EMP)

The Hit-n-Runner
Areas: Any Non-Core
Cost: 5
Range: 1-7
Accuracy: +1
Penetration: +1
Energy: 0
Special: Ballistic, Mobile

Stacking Funnels
Cost: 5
Areas: None
Range: 1-3
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: +0
Energy: 1
Special: Beam, Remote, Reliable

Missile Massacre
Areas: Any Non-Core
Cost: 5
Range: 2-7
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: +0
Energy: 0
Special: Missile, Blast, Condition (Chain Reaction)

There is no incentive to attach drawbacks to these things when you can just pay up more points instead, furthermore the lower average power encourages you to try and break them in weird ways - usually abusing Conditions. Evidently I still have quite a lot of work to do, but I know where to go from here.

-Weapon Types need more style and personality to them, having unique modifier tables for each would definitely help with that front, but the generic weapons still look same-y and bland. Not sure how that can be fixed though.
-Anything to do with Areas is pointless when it comes to custom-made Weapons, which does not help considering making all generics 'Areas: Any Non-Core' really hinders the personality thing from above.
-Drawbacks could increase the cap to 10 UP and enable the use of Conditions.
-More templates with different Ranges might be necessary.

And that is a wrap for now, the puzzle itself was more complex than I thought it would be (and when isn't it, really?) so it will be solved later. In the meantime, if you feel like using this despite the caveats mentioned, feel free to.

May 20, 2012

May I have an Update please?

I don't really have much to say so I'll let the list of changes speak for itself. Here are the links at the usual hosts:

General Changes:
-Added a comprehensive Index to the back.
-Improved image quality maintaining low file size.
-Fixed yet another batch of generic errors like typoes, wrong fonts, etc.
 Character Creation:
-Buffed Data Analyst to let you ask up to three questions while also giving you a +1 to Tension.
-Buffed Show some Mercy to let you use it multiple times at no cost while also giving you a +1 to Tension.
-Buffed Patience of a Saint to give you a Point every time you are targeted.
-Buffed With Extreme Prejudice to last three Rounds.
Mecha Construction:
-Clarified the wording on Gravagne Field, again.
-Nerfed Resupply to give back 1d5 instead of 1d10.
-Nerfed Special Modes so they can now only be activated once per Operation.
-Clarified some of the wording on Transform, again as well.
-Buffed Frames to be enhanced by default, enhancing them now lets you switch to another Frame mid-combat.
Playing the Game:
-Buffed the Disrupt Intermission Action to deal half the rolled damage in addition to its normal effect.
-Clarified that Engage uses the Enemy's position instead of your own to shift both of you in any direction.
-Streamlined Defensive Terrain to always protect from enemies at any distance, and double the number rolled when performing a Maneuver instead of giving an Advantage.
-Added a note to the Terrain sidebar suggesting 3d movement underwater and in space gives the side benefits of Anti-Gravity.
Running the Show:
-Fixed the old wording on Beam Reflector still referencing Derived Mechanics.

Simple one this month, no annoying large changes in red text even! I think we're getting closer to having fixed everything that does not require a major overhaul.

Now there are things that I would like to improve, but they are going to require changes of the "PCs have to be rebuilt" variety, and I loathe to do that to people with any sort of regular frequency, much less a monthly one. Hell, I cannot even guarantee the changes would be strictly better, since GGG is obviously very much a work in progress.

For this reason further updates will come in two parallel versions of the game. One without much fanfare (like this) that continues to polish what already exists and another version marked as Beta, with experimental modifications that require one or more major rules to be modified. Beta updates will be more sporadic, but would also include oft-requested goodies that I don't quite feel comfortable adding to the other version - I do not want to risk a bloat of options. Once things are proven to work in the Beta version, they will eventually be canonized all at once.

But what kind of things would I be changing? Well, here's a short list of priorities on my to-do list:

1) A Weapon Generator. One that is not broken beyond relief and does not make the entire point of weapon types obsolete.
2) Improving the way Genre Points link Intermissions and Operations. I want to encourage spending points to use powers instead of hoarding them up for a rainy day.
3) Reduction of combat math and streamlining mixed acc+pen rolls. Ideally this would not take away from the crunchiness, only do away with some of the inherent slowdowns it causes.

There's more, but that's a good place to start. In the following weeks I will be bringing up said major overhauls and my train of thought as I put work in them, while also discussing the things I do not want to change. You can rest easy knowing the core tenets at the front of the book won't be going anywhere anytime soon, and that the main challenge I will be facing is making things simpler and more elegant without losing depth.

The next few months should be interesting.

May 6, 2012

Back on Schedule

So I finished that simplistic card-based storygame/partygame/horrible eldritch beast hybrid thing I was doing. I am not sure if I will ever update or even play this (As, you know, a normal Player and not a GM) but it is done and my design muscles got to do some exercising.

Brofessionals v1.

In news someone might actually care about, I think I got enough practice in weirdness to go back to the familiar ground that is GGG. Expect a minor update this month, minor as in "correcting typos" and "making useless things not entirely suck", that kind of deal. Afterwards, we will get experimental with the system once again. I'm not sure how or even what will be undergoing changes yet, so stay posted..